Basically cigars are divided in 5 degrees:
1. Mild - weak, easy, soft.
2. Mild to Medium - between mild and average.
3. Medium - average, moderated.
4. Medium to Full - between average and strong.
5. Full-bodied - strong, deep.
It is possible to add only that each cigar is individual.
On color of induviated sheet it is usually detached 7 basic shades:
- "Kandela" or "Klaro-klaro" or "Double klaro "
It is a tobacco leaf of greenish color. It is known as "Tobacco of the American Market" or "АМT "
- " Klaro "
It is a tobacco leaf of light brown color, it is closer to the fawn. As a rule it is the
- "Colorado-Klaro "
It is the tobacco leaf of brown color known as "Tobacco of the English Market" or "ЕМT". Et is also known as natural.
- "
- "Colorado-Maduro "
It is the Tobacco leaf of dark brown color, as a rule of the
- " Maduro "
It is the Tobacco leaf of the sated dark brown color which is reached by cultivation under the sun, or by a long fermentation.
- " Oskuro "
It is the Tobacco leaf of black color, as a rule from